chal chitr example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The composite picture of the "girl" that would release the new movie - whether French or English, American or even Italian - is rather ambiguous 2. Ardeshir Irani, director of Alam Ara, founded in 1927 in Mumbai Imperial Film Company, specializing in musical movie and adventure film 3. Big boss of the advertising company A, which has a monopoly of the German advertising, the publishing house Scherl, the movie U 4. His real chance comes when he directs the "rebonding" Three Bengal Lancers, whose movie "documentary" part was touring India by Ernest Schoedsack and severely damaged by heat 5. His style, at first very close to that of his predecessor Harold Foster, gradually became both personal and inimitable, combining anatomical studies of Renaissance painters to the border and movie viewing angles

Given are the examples of hindi word chal chitr usage in english sentences. The examples of chal chitr are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., moving picture.

Income statement is the moving picture of an organisation and reflects the results of operations for a period.

संबंधित शब्द चल चित्र के पर्यायवाची